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 Mission Statement 

Our mission at Aruza is to continuously strive to provide extraordinary service; always improving the lives of those we serve, customers and

team members alike.

At Aruza, we treat selling like a


The backbone of our culture and success comes from competition and we play to our strengths by offering a friendly competitive environment, in which all our interns can benefit from. Sales is the closest thing in the business world there is to a sport. This is because there are tangible numbers and analytics involved that you can measure your own and your team's success against others.


 Aruza's Sports Season 

Throwdown Thursdays

Weekly 1 v 1 Matchup

Weekly Team Matchup


 Aruza's Tournaments 

Aruza Team Cup Playoffs

1 v 1 July Madness

All-Star Game Draft and Tournament

Pro - AM



 Top Performer Trip 

As our Interns compete against themselves and others throughout the summer, we raise the bar for performance and competition by offering Incentives during and after the summer, that can't be found in any other internship. These incentives include:


Cabo Trip     |    Spring Break Trip     |    Utah Sale's Conference Trip

Tournament Prizes    |    Team Dinners and Weekend Activities

Finish Strong Pay Bonus    |   Money Mondays   

Ongoing Pop-Up Incentives

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